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SWI 4, April 2013, Seite 163

Rückerstattung der Abzugssteuer bei Arbeitskräftegestellung an Gesteller oder Arbeitnehmer?

Provision of Employees: Refund of Withholding Tax to the Provider or to the Employee?

Clemens Nowotny und Babette Prechtl-Aigner

In a legal directive, the Austrian Ministry of Finance has recently published its opinion that, on the basis of Art. 15 of the applicable tax treaty, a refund of withholding tax (according to sec. 99 para. 1 no. 5 Austrian Income Tax Act) in connection with the provision of employees can only be granted to the respective employee. The right to withholding tax relief, the Ministry further concludes, follows from the tax treaty with the employee’s, rather than the provider’s, state of residence. According to the Ministry, such tax refund is only due when tax registration in the employee’s state of residence is guaranteed. In a further directive, the Ministry has specified the modalities of this tax refund. Clemens Nowotny and Babette Prechtl-Aigner point out that, in their view, the opinion issued by the Ministry of Finance is without legal merit.

I. EAS 3284 und EAS 3305

In EAS 3284 vom hat das BMF festgehalten, dass mit dem bei der Arbeitskräftegestellung vorzunehmenden Steuerabzug gem. § 99 Abs. 1 Z 5 EStG aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht die den gestellten Arbeitskräften zufließenden Arbeitslöhne steuerlich erfasst werden und aus diesem Blickwinkel Art. 15 des jeweils anzuwendenden DBA das inländische Best...

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