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SWI 11, November 2017, Seite 589

Zum Zuzug als Voraussetzung für eine Begünstigung nach § 103 Abs 1a EStG

“Moving to Austria” as a Prerequisite for the Tax Allowance under Section 103 paragraph 1a Income Tax Act

Sabine Kanduth-Kristen und Andreas Kampitsch

The Tax Reform Act 2015/2016 (Steuerreformgesetz 2015/2016) provided for a new paragraph in sec 103 of the Austrian Income Tax Act (ITA) and introduced a lump-sum tax allowance (Zuzugsfreibetrag) for foreign scientists who move to Austria. The tax allowance seems to be a very attractive measure which was proposed by the Tax Reform Commission 2014. It appears to be particularly appealing for foreigners applying for professorships at Austrian universities. However, the Austrian Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzgericht; BFG) recently found that sec 103 ITA is applicable only if the taxpayer’s centre of vital interest is relocated to Austria. This strict interpretation may frustrate the aim of the provision. Sabine Kanduth-Kristen and Andreas Kampitsch consider the ongoing discussion and present their view on the interpretation of the notion of “moving to” Austria, especially in the context of the tax allowance for scientists.

I. Ausgangsproblem

Der Zuzugsfreibetrag des § 103 Abs 1a EStG zielt darauf, im Wettbewerb um die besten Köpfe Anreize für ausländische Wissenschaftler für einen „Zuzug“ nach Österreich zu setzen. Die bislang bestehende Zuzugsbegünstigung des § 103 Abs 1 EStG war für Wissenschaftler, die vorwiegen...

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