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SWI 1, Jänner 2021, Seite 9

DBA USA und Wegzugsbesteuerung: Anmerkungen zur DBA-Auslegung durch den VwGH

Tax Treaty with the Unites States and Exit Taxation: Comments on Tax Treaty Interpretation by the Supreme Administrative Court

Michael Lang

The Austrian Supreme Administrative Court had to decide on the question whether a tax-neutral step-up of shares had to be granted when a taxpayer became resident in Austria. A necessary requirement for such a step-up was that Austria did not have any taxation rights on the shares before the taxpayer moved to Austria. Since he had left Austria a couple of years before, the crucial question was whether Austria had ever lost its taxation rights. At the core of the case was a very technical provision of the tax treaty between Austria and the US. However, the judgment is also interesting from a tax treaty interpretation perspective. Michael Lang analyzes whether the Court’s approach is in line with general rules of interpretation of international treaties.

I. Der dem Erkenntnis des , zugrunde liegende Fall

Der VwGH hatte am , Ro 2018/15/0017, über folgenden – hier auf das Wesentliche reduzierten – Sachverhalt zu entscheiden: Ein Steuerpflichtiger brachte 1993 das von ihm gegründete Einzelunternehmen gemäß Art III UmgrStG zu Buchwerten in eine ihm allein gehörende GmbH ein. 2001 übersiedelte er unter Aufgabe des österreichischen Wohnsitzes in die USA. Nach Art 13 Abs 6 DBA USA k...

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