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SWI 12, Dezember 2013, Seite 527

Folgen der VwGH-Rechtsprechung zur „unbeschränkten“ Steuerpflicht nach § 1 Abs. 4 EStG

Decision of the Austrian Supreme Administrative Court on the “Unlimited” Tax Liability of Non-Residents

Kasper Dziurdź und Christoph Marchgraber

Based on the case law of the ECJ in the Schumacker case, Austria introduced a provision which gives non-residents the possibility, under certain circumstances, to be treated as a resident taxpayer (sec. 1 para. 4 Income Tax Act [ITA]). According to the prevailing opinion in the literature, this “unlimited” tax liability only includes income which is already subject to tax under the regime for non-residents. Therefore, foreign losses cannot be taken into account. However, the Austrian Supreme Administrative Court (VwGH) does not follow this interpretation of sec. 1 para. 4 ITA. On September 25th, 2012, the Court decided in the case 2008/13/0201 that sec. 1 para. 4 ITA also allows for a utilization of foreign losses. Kasper Dziurdź and Christoph Marchgraber take a critical look at this decision and point out the implications for Austrian national and tax treaty law.

I. Ausgangslage

Die Einführung des § 1 Abs. 4 EStG geht auf das EuGH-Urteil in der Rs. Schumacker zurück. Beschränkt Steuerpflichtige aus EU- und EWR-Mitgliedstaaten erhalten dadurch die Möglichkeit, „als unbeschränkt steuerpflichtig behandelt“ zu werden. Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass entweder „ihre Einkünfte im Kalenderjahr mindestens zu...

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