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SWI 2, Februar 2009, Seite 83

Gesetzesänderungen in Deutschland aufgrund des Jahressteuergesetzes 2009

Changes in German Tax Law with the Annual Tax Act 2009

Ute Suhrbier-Hahn

At the end of 2008, several tax bills have passed parliament. Most of the amendments of tax provisions are covered by the Annual Tax Act 2009. One of the main aims is the implementation of EU law and ECJ decisions. To achieve this aim, the provisions on the taxation of non-resident taxpayers have been significantly amended. The withholding tax regime will be modified. However, the bill also includes amendments designed to avoid tax deficits. Numerous changes to the draft bill were made before it was passed. The highly debated changes regarding the restrictions of input VAT for cars used for business and private purposes have been deleted. Furthermore, there are no changes of the participation privilege (95 % tax exemption of dividends and capital gains). The participation privilege is still applicable, irrespective of the extent of participation.


Ende des Jahres 2008 wurden noch mehrere Steueränderungsgesetze verabschiedet und im Bundesgesetzblatt verkündet. Dazu zählen das Erbschaftsteuerreformgesetz, das Jahressteuergesetz 2009, das Steuerbürokratieabbaugesetz, das Familienleistungsgesetz sowie das Gesetz zur Umsetzung steuerrechtlicher Regelungen des Maßnahmenpakets „B...

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