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SWI 6, Juni 2008, Seite 265

Mehrwertsteuer auf Dienstleistungen: Neue Vorschriften über den Leistungsort

VAT on Services: New Rules on the Place of Supply of Services

Peter Pichler

One main element of the „VAT package“ recently adopted by the ECOFIN Council is the implementation of new rules on the place of supply of services. From January 1st, 2010, these new rules will mean that business-to-business supplies of services will be taxed where the customer is established. For business-to-consumer supplies of services, the place of taxation will continue to be where the supplier is established. However, in certain circumstances, the general rules for supplies both to businesses and to consumers will not be applicable, and specific rules will apply to reflect the principle of taxation at the place of consumption (e.g. restaurant and catering services, hiring of means of transport). The main purpose of the new rules is to ensure that VAT on services accrues to the country where consumption occurs, and to prevent distortions of competition between Member States operating different VAT rates.

Allgemeines zu den neuen Leistungsortregelungen

Am wurde im ECOFIN-Rat Einigung über ein Mehrwertsteuerpaket erzielt, welches Änderungen in folgenden Bereichen des Mehrwertsteuerrechts mit sich bringt:

  • Neuregelung des Leistungsortes für Dienstleistungen;

  • Konzept der einzigen Anlau...

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