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Die Berücksichtigung ausländischer Steuerberatungskosten
Tax Recognition of Foreign Tax Advisory Costs
Taxpayers often need advisory services for foreign tax questions. However, the tax recognition of these foreign tax advisory costs in the country of residence is often limited and diverges from country to country. Within the European Union, it is questionable as to how far the recognition of similar situations should diverge between different member states. Based on this deliberation, the contrary treatment of foreign tax advisory costs under German and Austrian tax law represents an intra-European inconsistency. To avoid the inconsistent treatment of a profession’s services and to enhance the freedom of establishment within the European Union, Alexander Moßhammer demonstrates which aspects of national tax laws should be harmonized.
I. Problemstellung
Die Besteuerung natürlicher Personen basiert auf einem komplexen Konstrukt verschiedener rechtlicher Normen und Judikate. Natürliche Personen verfügen jedoch oft nicht über das notwendige Fachwissen, um ihre eigene wirtschaftliche und private Situation steuerlich zu optimieren bzw gesetzeskonform zu erklären. Entsprechende Hilfestellung leistet der Berufsstand der Steuerberater. Diese stellen, berufsrechtlichen Grundsätzen folgend, für ...