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SWI 7, Juli 2021, Seite 360

Grenzüberschreitende Gewinnausschüttungen und das Unionsrecht

Cross-Border Dividends and European Union Law

Thomas Kühbacher

Distributing dividends across borders outside the scope of the Council Directive 2011/96/EU is often accompanied by the problem of double taxation in two respects: company profits may be subject to an economic double taxation and to a juridical double taxation. Following the CJEU, such disadvantages are not discriminating, for they arise from the parallel or multiple exercise of fiscal sovereignty. In the absence of any unifying or harmonising community measures, member states are not obligated to grant a concession to offset disadvantages resulting from a series of charges to tax. However, member states that have decided to grant such a concession have to exercise their fiscal power in accordance with union law. Recently, the CJEU has confirmed its view of double taxation in a very consistent way.

I. Rechtliche Ausgangslage

Werden Gewinne grenzüberschreitend ausgeschüttet, kann dies zu einer wirtschaftlichen Mehrfachbelastung und zusätzlich noch zu einer rechtlichen Doppelbesteuerung führen: Die wirtschaftliche Doppelerfassung entsteht einerseits dadurch, dass das Markteinkommen der ausschüttenden Gesellschaft im Herkunftsstaat einer Ertragsbesteuerung unterliegt und gleichzeitig da...

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