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SWI 12, Dezember 2019, Seite 574

Besteuerung international tätiger E-Sportler

Taxation of Internationally Active Professional Gamers

Elisabeth Steinhauser

The increasing popularity of e-sports (electronic sports), the recent media reports about an Austrian winner of the “Fortnite World Cup Finals 2019 – Duo”, as well as the controversial discussions about the classification of e-sports as “sports” give reason to examine the taxation of professional gamers (so-called “pro-gamers”). This article deals with the tax treatment of non-resident professional gamers in Austria and analyzes the difficulties in defining the term “sportsman” within the meaning of sec 98 para 1 subsec 3 Austrian Income Tax Act. Due to the broader understanding of the term “sportsperson” in the OECD Model Tax Convention, Art 17 OECD MC is applicable to professional gamers; their income may be taxed in the state in which the sportsperson’s activities are exercised.

I. Thematische Grundlagen und Ausgangssituation

Unter dem Begriff „E-Sport“ (elektronischer Sport) wird der „unmittelbare Wettkampf zwischen menschlichen Spieler/innen unter Nutzung von geeigneten Video- und Computerspielen an verschiedenen Geräten und auf digitalen Plattformen unter festgelegten Regeln“ verstanden. Im Unterschied zu gängigen Wettkämpfen zwischen Computerspielern, die es bereits seit länge...

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