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SWI 5, Mai 2017, Seite 252

Die Umsatzsteuerbefreiung für Zusammenschlüsse von Banken und Versicherungen auf dem unionsrechtlichen Prüfstand

Is the Cost-Sharing VAT Exemption for Financial Services Compatible with EU Law?

Sebastian Tratlehner

The exemption of Art 132 para 1 letter f of the VAT Directive for independent groups of persons is one of the exemptions of European Union VAT law that has not yet been fully clarified. The CJEU has dealt with it and its numerous definitional conditions only three times (348/87, C-8/01, C-407/07) in the last few decades. However, currently there are four cases (C-605/15, C-326/15, C-605/15, C-616/15) pending before the CJEU relating to different aspects of this exemption. While Advocate General Kokott negates the applicability of the cost-sharing exemption for financial services in her opinions on CJEU cases Aviva (C-605/15) and DNB Banka (C-326/15), Advocate General Wathelet concludes that the exemption can also be used by the financial sector (Commission/Germany, C-616/15). Sebastian Tratlehner takes a closer look at the opinions of the Advocates General Kokott and Wathelet in the pending cases and possible implications of the forthcoming CJEU judgments on the VAT exemption under sec 6 para 1 no 28 Austrian VAT Act.

I. Problemstellung

Sowohl das System einer Allphasennettoumsatzsteuer mit Vorsteuerabzug als auch der Verbrauchsteuergedanke der Umsatzsteuer erfahren dort Brüche, wo U...

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