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Verdoppelung der innerstaatlichen Quellensteuer auf technische Dienstleistungen und Lizenzen in Indien
India Doubles Withholding Tax Rate on Royalties and Technical Services
When doing business with India, one must be aware of the tax risks. As of April 1st, 2023, India has doubled its withholding tax rate on technical services and royalties from 10 % to 20 %. India applies a wide understanding of the term “technical services”. Additionally, the Indian tax obligation in this regard is not dependent on whether the services were physically performed in India. India has agreed on a 10 % taxing right on technical services in many of its double tax treaties, e.g. with Austria. As the treaty tax rate and the Indian national tax rate for the withholding tax on technical services and royalties now fall apart, foreign service providers must deal with Indian domestic formal procedures to apply treaty benefits. Nevertheless, the risk of excessive taxation of profits from Indian projects remains.
I. Ausgangslage
In Section 9 des Indian Tax Act (ITA) 1961 wird definiert, welche Einkünfte als in Indien angefallen bzw entstanden gelten. Die Bestimmung legt ein sehr weites Verständnis der indischen Steuerpflicht an. Unter der Vielzahl von Quellensteuertatbeständen findet sich im ITA ua eine Regelung zur Besteuerung von „Fees for Technical Services“. Der Begriff „Fees fo...