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SWI 2, Februar 2015, Seite 65

Verordnung zum neuen Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen zwischen Österreich und Taiwan

Regulation Concerning the New Tax Treaty with Taiwan

Veronika Rauner-Andrae und Karin Wieselthaler-Wiebogen

The regulation concerning the tax treaty between Austria and Taiwan (published in Federal Law Gazette II No. 385/2014) and the treaty itself as an annex to the regulation were approved by the Austrian National Council in December 2014. The ratifications were exchanged in the last days of December, and the regulation then entered into force. The regulation and the treaty have been in effect since January 1st, 2015. The regulation of the Federal Minister of Finance was released according to sect 1 para 1 of the Double Taxation Act, Federal Law Gazette I No 69/2010. Like any other Austrian regulation or international agreement, it has legally binding effects in Austria. Austria decided to act in this way owing to the special situation of Taiwan, which is internationally not accepted as a state, but has its own tax authority.

I. Hintergrund

Aufgrund der besonderen völkerrechtlichen Situation Taiwans, das keine Völkerrechtssubjektivität hat, kann Österreich mit Taiwan keine Staatsverträge abschließen. Da Taiwan allerdings eine eigene Steuerhoheit besitzt, lag es aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Verflechtungen Österreichs und Taiwans im Interesse beider Seiten, einen Weg zu finden, der außenp...

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