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SWI 1, Jänner 2011, Seite 23

Reform des kroatischen Einkommensteuertarifs

Reform of the Croatian Individual Income Tax

Branka Niemann und Rainer Niemann

In the Republic of Croatia a reform of the individual income tax became effective on July 1st, 2010. The lowest marginal income tax rate was reduced from 15 % to 12 %, the highest marginal income tax rate was reduced from 45 % to 40 %. Since the tax brackets were also adjusted, some middle-income taxpayers are facing a higher tax burden. For high incomes, the reduction of the top marginal tax rate induces substantial tax savings. These tax reductions can help to save labour costs for employers of expatriates sent to Croatia. However, the maximum marginal tax rate including municipal surcharges and social security contributions is still more than 50 %. Thus, there is need for further tax reductions. From a fiscal perspective, these reductions are feasible, because the individual income tax accounts only for a small fraction of total tax revenues.


Bereits 2009 hatte der kroatische Steuergesetzgeber ein Krisenpaket mit zahlreichen Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung des Steueraufkommens beschlossen. Dennoch wurden auch im Jahr 2010 zusätzliche be- und entlastende Maßnahmen getroffen. Im Rahmen der persönlichen Einkommensteuer zählt die Abschaffung zahlreicher Steuerbefreiungen zu den...

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