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SWI 4, April 2003, Seite 186

Ausländische Investitionen in die Slowakische Republik


Zuzana Barcajova und Peter Feith

The Slovak Republic has been continuing on its path of positive economic and political development, which was also confirmed in the most recent parliamentary elections in September 2002. This trend in its development has also created a good environment for direct foreign investment. The Slovak Republic offers very good conditions, in particular for the German-speaking area, among other things because of its pool of higly qualified workers, the geographical and cultural proximity of its capital Bratislava to Vienna, its unencumbered historical relationships, the stability of the exchange rate of its currency, its low inflation rate and the security of its legal system. Zuzana Barcajova and Peter Feith describe the opportunities for foreign investors.

I. Allgemeine Informationen

Die Slowakei setzt ihre positive ökonomische und politische Entwicklung fort, was auch die letzten Parlamentswahlen im September 2002 bestätigt haben. Sieger der Wahlen war eine Mitte-Rechts-Koalition, welche eine weitere stabile Enwicklung gewährleistet, die in bedeutender Weise auch das unternehmerische Umfeld positiv beeinflusst.

Dieser Trend der Entwicklung schafft auch ein gutes Klima für direkte Auslandsin...

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