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SWI 11, November 2000, Seite 490

Transfer Pricing Disputes ? Is there a European Way?


Frans Vanistendael

Verrechnungspreiskonflikte kommen in der Praxis immer häufiger vor. Unterschiedliche Festsetzungen von Verrechnungspreisen durch die Finanzverwaltungen verschiedener Mitgliedstaaten können auch dem europäischen Binnenmarkt hinderlich sein. Frans Vanistendael beschäftigt sich mit diesem Problem. Er schlägt eine europäische Lösung vor und untersucht, inwieweit gemeinschaftsrechtliche Vorschriften zur Lösung dieser Konflikte geschaffen werden können.

I. Introduction

This paper is a contribution in the search for a European way to solve transfer pricing disputes. Ten years ago the world of transfer pricing disputes was a more simple world, at least if there were such a thing as a simple transfer pricing dispute. When there was disagreement with a tax administration one way out was to litigate under the national law and if necessary to request the mutual agreement procedure under the treaty. The other way was to obtain a kind of ruling by the tax administration to vet and approve transfer pricing practices. The rules of the game were well established. The benchmark for acceptable transfer pricing was the "arm's' length" rule and that rule had three arms: comparable uncontrolled pricing if...

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