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SWI 1, Jänner 2025, Seite 22

Neue Definition des unbeweglichen Vermögens in Art 6 Abs 2 UN-Musterabkommen

New Definition of Immovable Property in Art 6 Para 2 UN Model Convention

Michael Lang

Recently, the UN Committee of Experts in International Cooperation in Tax Matters discussed an amendment of the definition of immovable property under Art 6(2) UN Model Convention. As the Committee considered the approach for the reference to domestic law in Art 3(2) UN Model Convention instructive, the phrase “unless the context otherwise requires” might be inserted into Art 6(2) UN Model Convention. Michael Lang analyzes the questions arising from this possible amendment.

I. Der Vorschlag des UN-Subkomitees

Das UN Committe of Experts in International Cooperation in Tax Matters hat bei seiner 29. Session von 15. bis in Genf den Vorschlag diskutiert, die Definition des unbeweglichen Vermögens in Art 6 Abs 2 UN-MA und dem dazugehörigen Kommentar zu ändern. Die Hintergründe dafür sind in einem Report des Subcommittee on the UN Model Tax Convention between Developed and Developing Countries dargelegt, der in der Folge auszugsweise wiedergegeben werden soll:


The definition of immovable property in paragraph 2 of Article 6 is somewhat unusual in that it begins with a reference to the situs State’s domestic law, but then includes a list of types of property that will ‘in any case’ constitu...

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