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SWI 6, Juni 2010, Seite 263

Das neue DBA zwischen Österreich und Serbien

The New Tax Treaty Between Austria and Serbia

Elfriede Zach

The tax treaty between Austria and Serbia was signed on May 7th, 2010. It is of vital importance to close this loophole in the Austrian treaty network, since Serbia is one of the most important trade partners of Austria. A significant number of Austrian enterprises do business in Serbia. Statistical data (investments 2000–2008) even show that Austria is top investor in Serbia. A tax treaty has been a major concern of the Austrian economy for many years. Austria has – in contrast to other EU states – no tax treaty with the former Republic of Yugoslavia. In relation to EU member states which have such a treaty, Serbia continues to apply these provisions. Therefore, Austrian entrepreneurs suffer disadvantages. Last November a compromise could be reached, and the long-lasting negotiations were successfully finalised. Elfriede Zach presents an overview of the key elements of the new treaty.

Neues DBA mit Serbien

Das DBA mit Serbien wurde am unterzeichnet. Es ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, diese Lücke des österreichischen DBA-Netzes zu schließen, da Serbien einer der wichtigsten Handelspartner Österreichs ist. Zahlreiche österreichische Unternehmen üben eine Geschäftstätigkeit in Serbi...

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