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SWI 11, November 2009, Seite 547

Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit: Steuerliche Maßnahmen als soziale Vergünstigungen

Freedom of Movement for Workers: Fiscal Measures as Social Advantages

Manfred Pöltl

In its judgment in case C-269/07, Commission of the European Community/Germany, the ECJ held that the savings-pension bonus under German income tax law compensating for losses in the legal pension insurance scheme is not a tax advantage but a social advantage under Art. 7 para. 2 of Regulation (EEC) No. 1612/68 on freedom of movement for workers within the Community. According to the ECJ, this bonus is a positive benefit granted by the German state, leaving aside any possibility of deduction. It constitutes a minimum aid aimed at encouraging the setting up of a complementary pension irrespective of the beneficiary’s income. The requirement of being fully liable to German tax in order to be entitled to the savings-pension bonus amounts to a residence requirement and constitutes an infringement of Art. 39 EC Treaty and Art. 7 para. 2 of Regulation (EEC) No. 1612/68. Any justification by reasons of fiscal coherence is unacceptable since the granting of a social advantage cannot be made dependent on fiscal requirements. Manfred Pöltl explains the impacts of this judgment.

Die Rechtslage in Deutschland


Zum Ausgleich der in der Reform der deutschen Rentenversicherung 2000/2001 v...

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