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SWI 4, April 2017, Seite 200

Berücksichtigung von ausländischen Pensionseinkünften bei der Bemessung des Pensionistenabsetzbetrags

Foreign Pension Payments and Austrian Pension Tax Credit

Benedikt Hörtenhuber und Andreas Langer

The Austrian Supreme Administrative Court has recently decided that German social security pensions have to be included in the calculation of the Austrian pension tax credit pursuant to sec 33 para 6 no 3 Austrian Income Tax Act, although these payments are exempt under the tax treaty with Germany. However, a decision by the Austrian Federal Fiscal Court states that German social security pensions that do not exceed the threshold necessary for a tax assessment (1,730 euros per year) do not have to be included in this calculation. These decisions, which may seem contradictory, actually follow the same line of reasoning, since exempt pensions have to be included in the calculation of the pension tax credit if they affect the progressive tax rate. This is not the case for payments below the threshold.

I. Problemstellung

Der Pensionistenabsetzbetrag gem § 33 Abs 6 EStG steht nur Pensionsbeziehern zu und erlaubt einen Abzug von 400 Euro (bzw 764 Euro) von der nach Anwendung des Steuertarifs ermittelten Steuerschuld. Der allgemeine Pensionistenabsetzbetrag nach § 33 Abs 6 Z 3 EStG beträgt bis zu 400 Euro. Der Anspruch auf einen erhöhten Pensionistenabsetzbetrag gem § 33 Abs 6 Z 2 EStG ist an die weiteren in Z 1 genannten Voraussetzungen gebu...

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