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SWI 11, November 2008, Seite 506

Kommission veröffentlicht Bericht zur Überprüfung der Sparzinsenrichtlinie

Commission Issues Report on the Operation of the Savings Taxation Directive

Dietmar Aigner

According to Article 18 of the Savings Taxation Directive, the Commission is obliged to report to the Council on the operation of the Directive every three years. The report from the Commission presents an economic evaluation of the effects of the Savings Taxation Directive and proposes amendments to the Directive to ensure effective taxation of savings income and to remove any undesirable distortions of competition. In preparing the first report, the Commission has held an informal consultation with the tax administrations and with market operators of the Member States so as to examine the operation of the Directive and collect advice on possible amendments in terms of both legal and practical aspects. The Commission has now issued the first report on the operation of the Savings Taxation Directive. Dietmar Aigner takes a close look at the Commission’s conclusions and proposed amendments.


Nach Art. 18 der Sparzinsenrichtlinie (Sparzinsen-RL) hat die Kommission dem Rat alle drei Jahre über die Anwendung der Sparzinsen-RL zu berichten. In diesem Bericht muss sie den internationalen Entwicklungen im Bereich des Informationsaustauschs besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmen un...

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