Michael Lang/Veronika Daurer

Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen Österreich-Slowenien

1. Aufl. 2014

ISBN: 978-3-7073-3160-8

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Michael Lang/Veronika Daurer - Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen Österreich-Slowenien

Artikel 20 Hochschullehrer und Forscher

Michael Lang/Veronika Dauer

20. člen


V obdobju dveh let, odkar je fizična oseba prvič prispela v državo pogodbenico in postala njen rezident z namenom, da bi poučevala, predavala ali opravljala raziskovalno delo na univerzi, kolidžu ali drugi šoli ali katerikoli priznani izobraževalni ali raziskovalni ustanovi te države pogodbenice in je bila takrat ali pa tik pred tem rezident druge države pogodbenice, se prihodki takšne osebe v zvezi s takšnim poučevanjem, predavanji ali raziskovalnim delom ne obdavčijo v prvi omenjeni državi.

Article 20

Professors and researchers

Within a period of two years from first coming into a Contracting State and becoming its resident for the purpose of teaching, lecturing or performing research work at a university, college or other school, or at any other recognized educational or research institution of the said Contracting State, of a natural person then, or immediately prior to that time being a resident of the other Contracting State, the remuneration of such a person with respect to such teaching, lecturing or research work shall not be subject to taxation in the first mentioned State.

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