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TPI 5, Oktober 2018, Seite 243

Risk Assumption under the Authorised OECD Approach and the 2017 OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines

Absence of Full Guidance Creates Confusion and Uncertainty

Stefaan De Baets

On March 22nd, 2018, the OECD published Additional Guidance on the Attribution of Profits to Permanent Establishments (hereinafter: the Guidance). The publication of this Guidance finds its origin in the BEPS Action 7 report, published on October 5th, 2015. First, this article identifies the issues with regard to risk as well as the discussion in the Guidance. After a brief discussion of the Guidance on risk under the 2017 OECD TPG and the main principles of the Authorised OECD Approach (AOA; including the significant people functions [SPF] relevant to the assumption/attribution of risk), the similarities and divergences with regard to risk between the two sets of guidance (AOA and OECD TPG) are discussed.

1. Introduction

The BEPS Action 7 report widened the definition of a permanent establishment (PE) under Art 5 OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (OECD MTC), in particular with regard to commissionaire/dependent agent structures, activities of a preparatory or auxiliary nature and fragmentation of activities. At the same time, a mandate was given to develop additional guidance on how the rules on Art 7 (business profits) of the OECD MTC would apply to PEs because of ...

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