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IRZ 5, Mai 2009, Seite 177

Behind the scenes – Praxis der Finanzberichterstattung bei Novartis

Malcolm Cheetham und Evelyn Teitler-Feinberg

Herr Cheetham, wie schaffen Sie das? Novartis hat den 328 Seiten starken Bericht 20-Fam bei der SEC eingereicht. Sind Sie damit auch im US-Umfeld einer der ersten Konzerne, der den 20-F-Bericht einreicht?

Several companies produce a simplified Press Release before we do. We believe that we are the first amongst US and non-US companies to produce a fully audited Annual Report and file our 20-F by the end of January.

For 2008 we slightly changed our approach so that all of the following took place on January 28, 2009:

Availability in English of Swiss Annual Report,

Filing our 20-F to the SEC,

Holding our Annual Results Press/Analysts conferences.

In prior years the Press/Analyst Conferences and an advance copy of the Swiss Annual Report were scheduled earlier in mid-January.

Gegenüber der SEC ist die Novartis ein „large accelerated filer”, was bedeutet das und wie wirkt sich das aus?

I believe this just means that earlier deadlines need to be followed. Our schedule clearly meets these!

Tabelle in neuem Fenster öffnen
Concerning Sarbanes Oxley, now that the process is embedded we consider that the ongoing maintenance costs are worth the effort.

Die SEC ist berühmt-berüchtigt für strenges Nachhaken bei eingerei...

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