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Steuerstrafrecht in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten

1. Aufl. 2007

ISBN: 978-3-7073-1153-2

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Steuerstrafrecht in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten (1. Auflage)

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A. The national system of criminal tax law?

I. A historical survey

In respect of criminal tax law, not including criminal law on customs, we may summarise the evolution of the national system dividing it into two phases: the first one previous to Decree-Law n. 20-A/90 and the second one succeeding it.

Previously to the mentioned Decree-Law, there were some offences spread out over different tax codes and complementary legislation of dubious characterisation. In some aspects this legislation approximated Criminal Law but in other ones it set apart from it. As a consequence, literature discussed if they were crimes or regulatory offences (Übertretungen).

In the end of the eighties there was a radical tax law reform which has culminated in the approval of new substantive and procedural tax law codes and in the definition of tax crimes and administrative offences (Ordnungswidrigkeiten) in...

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