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Lang/Petruzzi (Eds)

Transfer Pricing and Financial Transactions

1. Aufl. 2022

ISBN: 978-3-7073-4452-3

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Transfer Pricing and Financial Transactions (1. Auflage)

S. VIIList of Editors and Authors


Prof. Dr. DDr. h.c. Michael Lang

Prof. Dr. DDr. h.c. Michael Lang is Head of the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and academic director of both the LL.M Program in International Tax Law and the Doctoral Program in International Business Taxation (DIBT) of this university. He is president of the Austrian Branch of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and has been a visiting professor at Georgetown University, New York University, Sorbonne, Bocconi, Peking University (PKU), University of New South Wales (Sydney), and at other universities.

Dr. Raffaele Petruzzi, LL.M.

Dr. Raffaele Petruzzi, LL.M. is the Managing Director of the WU Transfer Pricing Center at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and an international tax advisor specializing in international tax and transfer pricing at Baker McKenzie.

Raffaele has gained extensive experience in dealing with topics related to international tax and transfer pricing for many years, both from a professional and an academic perspective. He is a frequent speaker in internat...

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