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Bravo/Miladinovic (Eds)

Concept and Implementation of CFC Legislation

1. Aufl. 2021

ISBN: 978-3-7073-4405-9

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Concept and Implementation of CFC Legislation (1. Auflage)

S. IXList of Authors

Olena Bokan

Olena Bokan was born in the Ukraine in 1980. She graduated with an MSc in Economics from Kyiv National University of T.Shevchenko (Ukraine) in 2003. In 2006, she obtained an MSc in Business and IT from the Aston University (UK). In her early career years, she worked as a financial controller in Ukrainian and international companies. In 2011, she established her own consultancy company in Kyiv in the area of international business and taxation. Since 2019 she is based in Prague and runs there a consulting company. She provides consulting services in the area of international taxation, investments, and various business matters to domestic and international clients.

Serena Bussotti

Serena Bussotti received a degree in economics and business law at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. She has been working as a transfer pricing and international tax consultant since 2012 at an Italian tax firm mainly based in Milan, Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati.

Fernanda Freitas Maciel

Fernanda Freitas Maciel was born in Pompéu, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1990. In 2015, she graduated in law at the Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil and, in 2019, she graduated in Accounting at ...

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