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Kurzfristige Arbeitnehmerüberlassung im Internationalen Steuerrecht

1. Aufl. 2013

ISBN: 978-3-7073-2190-6

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Kurzfristige Arbeitnehmerüberlassung im Internationalen Steuerrecht (1. Auflage)

9 Völkerbund

E. F. S. 73. F. 19. (1923)

Report on Double Taxation submitted to the Financial Committee by Professors Bruins, Einaudi, Seligman and Sir Josiah Stamp

= Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation, History IV 4003-4055.

F. 212. (1925)

Double Taxation and Tax Evasion - Report and Resolutions submitted by the Technical Experts to the Financial Committee of the League of Nations

= Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation, History IV 4057-4110.

C. 216. M. 85. 1927. II. (1927)

Double Taxation and Tax Evasion - Report presented by the Committee of Technical Experts on Double Taxation and Tax Evasion

= Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation, History IV 4111-4149.

C. 562. M. 178. 1928. II. (1928)

Double Taxation and Tax Evasion - Report presented by the General Meeting of Government Experts on Double Taxation and Tax Evasion

= Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation, History IV 4151-4193 = Bericht der Hauptversammlung der Regierungssachverständigen über Doppelbesteuerung und Steuerausweichung an den Rat und die Mitglieder des Völkerbundes, FA 1929, 401-430.

C. 516. M. 175. 1929. II. [F./Fiscal 14.] (1929)

Fiscal Committee: Report to the Council on the Work of the First Sessi...

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