Wassermeyer/Drüen/Kaeser/Schwenke (Hrsg)


Kommentar | Grundwerk inkl. 152. Ergänzungslieferung (eingeschränkt auf die Teile mit Österreich-Bezug)


ISBN: 978-3-406-45143-0

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Wassermeyer/Drüen/Kaeser/Schwenke (Hrsg) - Doppelbesteuerung

Art. 21 Andere Einkünfte


Bearbeiter: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Franz Wassermeyer und Dr. Christian Kaeser

A. Musterkommentar

1. This Article provides a general rule relating to income not dealt with in the foregoing Articles of the Convention. The income concerned is not only income of a class not expressly dealt with but also income from sources not expressly mentioned. The scope of the Article is not confined to income arising in a Contracting State; it extends also to income from third States. Where, for instance, a person who would be a resident of two Contracting States under the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 4 is deemed to be a resident of only one of these States pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 2 or 3 of that Article, this Article will prevent the other State from taxing the person on income arising in third states even if the person is resident of this other State for domestic law purposes (see also paragraph 8.2 of the Commentary on Article 4 as regards the effect of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 4 for purposes of the conventions concluded between this other State and third states). (Geändert am )

Paragraph 1

2. Under this paragraph the exclusive right to...

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