Wassermeyer/Drüen/Kaeser/Schwenke (Hrsg)


Kommentar | Grundwerk inkl. 152. Ergänzungslieferung (eingeschränkt auf die Teile mit Österreich-Bezug)


ISBN: 978-3-406-45143-0

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Wassermeyer/Drüen/Kaeser/Schwenke (Hrsg) - Doppelbesteuerung

Art. 14 Selbständige Arbeit


Bearbeiter: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Franz Wassermeyer

A. Musterkommentar

[Article 14 was deleted from the Model Tax Convention on on the basis of the report entitled “Issues Related to Article 14 of the OECD Model Tax Convention” (adopted by the Committee on Fiscal Affairs on 27 January 2000 and reproduced in Volume II of the full version of the OECD Model Tax Convention at page R(16)-1). That decision reflected the fact that there were no intended differences between the concepts of perma-nent establishment, as used in Article 7, and fixed base, as used in Article 14, or between how profits were computed and tax was calculated according to which of Article 7 or 14 applied. In addition, it was not always clear which activities fell within Article 14 as opposed to Article 7. The effect of the deletion of Article 14 is that income derived from professional services or other activities of an independent character is now dealt with under Article 7 as business profits.]

B. Eigene Kommentierung (Wassermeyer)

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