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Buriak/Streicher (Eds)

Tax and Technology

1. Aufl. 2023

ISBN: 978-3-7073-4817-0

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Tax and Technology (1. Auflage)

1. Introduction

The digital transformation of society by means of new or emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotic process automation (RPA), cloud computing, data analytics, blockchain, the internet of things, and many others has revolutionized the way business is conducted. Digital technologies and digitally-enabled approaches have disrupted business models, created new opportunities, raised stakeholder expectations, and driven regulatory change.

S. 612Digital technology can be an enabler for professionals to connect with other stakeholders to identify new and better ways of performing their professional work. Additionally, professional work is increasingly being broken down into composite tasks and activities that can be routinized, automated, and executed by technology with a greater amount of computational capacity. Unfortunately, some professionals view technology as a threat or challenge to their status, competence, and identity.

Technology enables tax functions to standardize processes, increase efficiency, manage risks, partner with business functions, and deliver organizational value. Technology advancements have made it possible for tax functions to become mor...

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