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Grundzüge des europäischen Arbeits- und Sozialrechts

5. Aufl. 2021

ISBN: 978-3-7073-3783-9

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Grundzüge des europäischen Arbeits- und Sozialrechts (5. Auflage)

S. XVIILiteraturverzeichnis

Addison, In the Beginning, There Was Social Policy: Developments in Social Policy in the European Union from 1972 through 2008 (2008)

Ales, Transnational Collective Bargaining in Europe: The Case for Legislative Action at EU Level, Journal Compilation of the International Labour Organization (2009)

Ales/Deinert/Kenner, Core and Contingent Work in the European Union: A Comparative Analysis (2017)

Ball, The blue card directive and its impact on EU and home state societies (2010), abrufbar unter, 6

Bell, Advancing EU Anti­Discrimination Law: the European Commission’s 2008 Proposal for a New Directive, The Equal Rights Review 3/2009, 7 f

Bell, EU Equality Law and Precarious Work, in Belavusau/Henrard (eds.), EU Anti-Discrimination Law Beyond Gender, 2019, 75 ff

Bell,The Implementation of European Anti-Discrimination Directives: Converging towards a Common Model?, The Political Quarterly 79/2008, 36 ff

Beltzer, The Transfer of Undertakings and the Importance of Taking Over Personnel – A Vicious Circle, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 23/1 (2007) 139 ff

Beltzer, Transfers of Undertakings – Recent Developments...

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