IFRS für Führungskräfte
1. Aufl. 2012
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IFRS für Führungskräfte (1. Auflage)
S. 19Abkürzungsverzeichnis
Tabelle in neuem Fenster öffnen
ABS | Asset Backed Security |
AFRAC | A ustrian Financial Reporting and Auditing Committee |
ARC | Accounting Regulatory Committee |
ARO | Asset Retirement Obligations |
BilMoG | B ilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz |
bzw. | beziehungsweise |
CGU | Cash Generating Unit |
CODM | Chief Operating Decisionmaker |
CTA | Contractual Trust Arrangement |
d.h. | das heißt |
DBO | Defined Benefit Obligation |
EBITDA | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization |
EFRAG | European Financial Reproting Advisory Group |
etc. | et cetera |
FASB | F inancial Accounting Standards Board |
FIFO | First-in-first-out-Verfahren |
ggf. | gegebenenfalls |
GuV | Gewinn-und-Verlust-Rechnung |
HGB | Handelsgesetzbuch |
IAS | International Accounting Standards |
IASB | International Accounting Standards Board |
IASC | International Accounting Standards Committee |
IFRIC | International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards |
LIFO | Last-in-first-out-Verfahren |
NCI | Non Controlling Interests |
OCI | Other Comprehensive Income |
PPA | Purchase Price Allocation |
SIC | Standing Interpretations Committee |
SPE | Special Purpose Entities |
US GAAP | United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
USD | US Dollar |
vgl. | vergleiche |
z.B. | zum Beispiel |